Наименование запрещенных предметов к пересылке

1. Cash money, including foreign currency, securities.

2. Jewelry, precious metals and gems.

3. Antiques.

4. Narcotic substances and psychotropic drugs, their analogues and precursors included in the list of narcotic drugs subject to special control in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. Combat hand-held firearms, civilian and service weapons, ammunition, spare parts and accessories thereof, sports bows and crossbows, weapons designed for light, smoke and sound signaling, electric weapons, electric shock apparatus and spark arresters, cold bladed weapons, flails, chain maces, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other adapted bludgeoning, throwing, piercing and cutting objects, with the exception of sports implements, special technical means of dual-use application, and accessories thereof.

6. Combustible, flammable and explosive substances, radioactive substances, other dangerous items with appropriate labeling ("non-flammable gases", "oxidizer", "infectious substances", "self-igniting substances", "poison", "radioactive substances", "dangerous substances when humidified", "harmful substances", "poisonous gas").

7. Cylinders with liquid and gas (except for empty cylinders with a twisted-off or missing valve).

8. Vehicle batteries.

9. Animals and plants.

10. Food and other items that require a special temperature regime.

11. Poisonous animals, poisonous substances, poisonous plants and seeds.

12. Printed publications, visual materials, film, photo, audio, and video materials containing propaganda or agitation of violent change of the constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, undermining the security of the state, war, social, racial, national, religious, class and tribal superiority, the cult of cruelty, violence and pornography.

13. Items that, by their nature or packing, may be dangerous to postal workers or may soil or damage other mailpieces and postal equipment. Exceptions for items that are authorized for forwarding.

14. For parcels: defective parts of civilian and service weapons sent by stores licensed to trade thereof, to mailed to manufacturers or other legal entities and individuals licensed to repair civilian and service weapons, and by said manufacturers or other legal entities and individuals mailed to the addresses of the relevant stores. Said items are attached upon presentation of the appropriate license by the sender.

15. In letters and parcels with declared value - banknotes, coins and valuables sent by legal entities that have the right to collect and forward banknotes, coins and valuables in accordance with the banking legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

16. All other senders are eligible to send in letters with declared value dilapidated and doubtful monetary units to the branch of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan sent in accordance with the banking legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Sending numismatic coins and collections in parcels is permitted. A list of items and substances prohibited for air transportation.

17. Firearms, gas, pneumatic, cold and mechanical weapons of all kinds: • Pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines and other firearms, gas, pneumatic weapons, electric shock devices and their imitators; • Crossbows, spearfishing rifles, checkers, sabers, cleavers, scimitars, broadswords, swords, swords, bayonets, daggers, dirks, stilettos, knives: hunting, amphibious, Finnish, bayonet knives, knives with ejecting blades, with locking locks, as well as household knives with a blade length of over 110 mm. Explosives, blasting supplies and objects filled therewtih.

18. Gunpowder in any package and in any quantity.

19. Live ammunition (including small-caliber ones).

20. Cartridges for gas weapons.

21. Hunting caps (pistons).

22. Pyrotechnic devices: signal and lighting flares, signal cartridges, landing bombs, smoke cartridges (head-spaces), demolition matches, sparklers, railway firecrackers.

23. TNT, dynamite, tritol, ammonal and other explosives.

24. Caps, detonators, electric detonators, electric igniters, detonating and fire-conducting cord, etc. Compressed and liquefied gases.

25. Gases for household use (butane-propane) and other gases.

26. Gas canisters filled with nerve agent and tear gas.

27. Flammable liquids: Acetone.

28. Gasoline.

29. Samples of flammable petroleum products.

30. Methanol.

31. Methyl acetate (methyl ether).

32. Carbon disulfide.

33. Ethers.

34. Ethyl cellulose.

35. Ethyl alcohol.

36. All other flammable liquids. Flammable solids.

37. Substances that, when exposed to water, release heat and flammable gases, with potential self-ignition and fire: potassium, sodium, metallic calcium and alloys thereof, calcium phosphate and others.

38. White, yellow and red phosphorus and all other substances classified as flammable solids.

39. Organic peroxides.

40. Colloidal nitrocellulose, granules or flakes, dry or wet, with less than 25% content of water or solvent. Colloidal nitrocellulose, in chunks, moist, with less than 25% content of alcohol. Nitrocellulose, dry or wet, containing less than 30% solvent or 20% water.

41. Any toxic, potent and toxic substances in liquid or solid state, packed in any container.

42. Brucine.

43. Nicotine.

44. Strychnine.

45. Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol.

46. Antifreeze.

47. Brake fluid.

48. Ethylene glycol.

49. Mercury.

50. All salts of hydrocyanic acid and cyanide preparations.

51. Cyclone, cyanplav, arsenic anhydride and all other highly toxic and toxic substances.

52. Strong inorganic acids: hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric and others.

53. Hydrofluoric acid and other strong acids and corrosive substances.

54. Precious and rare earth metals and items made thereof.

55. Precious stones and products made thereof.

56. Banknotes and banknote equivalents.

57. Strategic materials.

58. Rocket and space complexes, military communications and control systems and regulatory and technical documentation for the production and operation thereof.

59. Uranium, other fissile materials and derivatives.

60. X-ray equipment, instruments and equipment using radioactive substances and isotopes.

61. Results of research and design work, as well as fundamental prospecting studies on the development of armaments and military equipment.

62. Encryption equipment and normative and technical documentation for the production and use thereof.

63. Waste of radioactive materials, explosives containing precious and rare earth metals and precious stones.

64. Special and other technical means designed (developed, adapted, programmed) for covert acquisition of information, normative and technical documentation for the production and use thereof.

65. Live animals.

66. Human organs.