Answers to frequently asked questions

What options does Spark offer for sending documents and parcels?

You can contact us about sending your documents and parcels. To find out the specifics and delivery times, see our website or call the hotline numbers: +7 (707) 345-44-45, and also use our convenient calculation table.

Where can I find information about your company?

All information about Spark is available in the "Contacts" section. You can also visit our offices in Almaty, Astana, Shymkent and other cities of Kazakhstan.

Can I send a parcel with fragile contents?

Surely, you can order the shipment of fragile cargo, but at the same time you have to inform us about the specifics of the parcel, because in order for the cargo to be safe and intact, it is necessary to select an appropriate packaging.

Do you transport dangerous goods and how much does it cost?

We work with all goods that are not prohibited from transportation by the legislation of Kazakhstan. The latter include:

  • toxic, flammable, explosive substances;
  • perishable goods;
  • money, gold, securities, checks, outstanding postage stamps, insurance documentation;
  • firearms, ammunition, pyrotechnics (including fireworks);
  • prohibited or specially authorized medical and psychotropic substances;
  • objects with a pungent odor that can damage other parcels;
  • objects of art (paintings, statuettes and other valuable exhibits and antiques);
  • pornographic materials;
  • materials that contradict moral and political values.

It is necessary to clarify in more detail the possibility of sending disputed goods from Spark managers.

Is it possible to pay for the parcel by the recipient and not by the sender?

Yes, the recipient can pay for the package.

Are there any special rules for the design of cargo packaging?

It is necessary to write the recipient's contact details legibly, indicating on the parcel the full name of the company, the full name of the addressee or representative and contacts, a detailed delivery address, and a telephone number.

Will it be necessary to conclude any contracts for the provision of Spark services at the first shipment?

That is not necessary.

Is calling a courier already included in the cost of delivery services?

No, courier services are charged separately.

How quickly will my parcel reach the recipient?

How quickly will my parcel reach the recipient?

What is volumetric weight and how is it calculated?

The volumetric weight of a cargo is a calculated characteristic that reflects its density Typically, a load with a lower density takes up more space compared to a load with a higher density with the same mass. Modern aircrafts require carrier companies to adopt the calculation of volumetric weight to make more efficient use of the cargo space and eliminate volume overload. If the volumetric weight exceeds the physical one, then the delivery rate shall be calculated based on the volume weight, which is determined by a conditional formula (the numbers are arbitrary):

50 * 50 * 70 = (175000) / 5000 = 35 кг

The volumetric weight of a cargo is a calculated characteristic that reflects its density Typically, a load with a lower density takes up more space compared to a load with a higher density with the same mass. Modern aircrafts require carrier companies to adopt the calculation of volumetric weight to make more efficient use of the cargo space and eliminate volume overload. If the volumetric weight exceeds the physical one, then the delivery rate shall be calculated based on the volume weight, which is determined by a conditional formula (the numbers are arbitrary):

Can I use your packaging material and pack the parcel before shipping?

Yes, you can use our branded packaging material – cardboard envelopes and plastic wrap. If you need other packaging, you can coordinate this service with us or pack the parcel yourself.

Can I find out the shipping price?

You can calculate the cost of delivery by using the corresponding function on our website or by contacting one of our offices in cities of Kazakhstan.

🌟 Company: «SPARK»
🌟 Route elaboration: Instant calculation of shipping cost
🌟 Contact Info: +7 (707) 345-44-45
🌟 Popular Destinations from Astana to Almaty, from Almaty to Astana
🌟 Popular Services Same day cargo delivery